Dear Bruhn and Cecil
I had the most fantastic trip ever, everything formed a synthesis: Skiing, experiences, silence, sun, sleet, mountain air, wind, meditation, talk, connectedness, heart energy, just energy… and all that outside the realm of words. It was a gift. Thank you.
En af de forunderlige ting ved livet er, at det aldrig kopierer sig selv. Alting er friskt hele tiden – hvilket vi for alvor oplever, når vi slipper fri af sindets fængsel. Derfor er der heller ingen ”opskrift”, der virker for alle. At læse noget om det, der har hjulpet andre på deres vandring kan hjælpe os til at forblive levende og kreative på vores egen vandring.
Når vi deler vores oplevelser og indsigter, inspirerer vi ikke kun andre men forstærker også effekten af oplevelsen eller indsigten i os selv. Nærværet vokser udenfor og indeni os. Vi inviterer dig derfor til at skrive dine oplevelser ned og sende dem til os. Det behøver ikke at være store mirakler – det kan være subtile forandringer, som skaber en effekt i dit liv. Og det behøver ikke kun være friheds-oplevelser – det kan også være blokeringer du har mødt på vejen.
Send din feedback til Nedenfor kan du læse om nogle deltageres forskellige oplevelser og indsigter fra retreats, satsangs, pilgrimsrejser mv.
The state of the Samsoe retreat is still in me.
Dear Cecil og Bruhn!
The state of the Samsoe retreat is still in me.
Apparently I have lost the ability to be irritated or worry unnecessarily. I almost observe incidents in life for what they are, namely incidents and not me. I am not these incidents. I feel a deep trust and feel carried by a very positive energy. I feel a loving wonder and tolerance towards the things I do not understand immediately – also feel I have lost the ability to judge or be judged. If judgement arises in me it becomes vague / wiped out like. It cannot attach itself to me. I experience my energy expanding.
I have always enjoyed my work, but it is as if only now do I know what enjoyment really is. This very special quality of being-ness flows through me where ever I am. My experience of nature has changed drastically. I feel and experience a connectedness and a sort of communication with nature that just is, completely effortless, and I am filled or cleansed. This state sort of grows and grows in me in a most wonderous way. I sometimes think: when will it stop? But it apparently doesn’t. I wake up every morning with a smile.
Previously I have had problems with my lower legs. Would get pains if I strained myself. It has completely gone. My legs feel very free and strong, the feeling in them has completely changed.
I’m just glad, glad, glad. Feel I have been lifted to a completely different frequency
Philippines: I am deeply grateful for all the experiences under and above water.
I want to thank you for all you created and the way you held the energy those 9 days in the Philippines. I feel so comfortable and safe with you. It is such nectar for my soul and my whole being. I am totally in love with the Philippines, nature, the people, the food, water, sun, the energy. I have a feeling of having been to Paradise. I am deeply grateful for all the experiences under and above water. For the experience of the process of surrendering. For the feeling of being held and touched gently by love. For connecting with my son on a new and deeper level. For the feeling of joy no matter where I was.
Thinking back I am deeply grateful that you understood what I was going through. It was so very important. It meant that it didn’t get too painful…..just difficult and I could then transform my feelings. I feel met and seen.
I feel like I have reached a new level of trust inside. Strangely fragile… if I have to protect it. Feeling like I am leaning back into a giant hammock, being held and carried……..meanwhile I am doing my daily chores and meeting the world (albeit slowly and a little lazy). Nothing sensational, no dramas. Life just is.
I also experience changes in the physical body. As if the cells are vibrating differently.
I am just really happy and grateful. My world has expanded and it is wonderful and beautiful.
And grateful for my contact with Milla……..she is such an amazing being.
Thank you.
The retreat on Samsoe was such a fantastic experience
The retreat in Samsoe was such a fantastic experience, I felt as if I had made, not just one, but several shifts. What a beautiful bunch of people, so loving, supportive, but yet courageous enough to extend and push themselves. In that “going further”, I feel that there was such a connection with “all”.
I am so grateful to you both for providing and facilitating such a space. You provide a safe environment in which we can feel safe to be ourselves, sort out the “baggage” and provide the tools with which to “move on”.
I have been so lucky since I came back to U.K. I have had some time off from work. I have used this time to think and reflect on my experiences in Samsoe, my journey over the past 14 months, and the movement through my retreats and time with you.
It’s been an amazing journey, full of “Oh damns” & “oh goshes”!! But the wow factor is prevalent! I feel as if I have almost been re-born, the stuff and mistakes are things I can leave. I have addressed them and cried, but feel the power to accept, forgive (others and Myself), and realize that it is all ok.”
Flow Ski Retreat: Sometimes a human being can ski like no one else has done before him
Thank you
Sometimes a human being can ski like no one else has done before him
He is absorbed by the perfect movement – caused by his soul being in absolute rest.
By him being fully surrounded by love.
By him being with what is there……….
By him being happy.
If he then stops to listen to the silence and explain to the mountains that this does not happen that often,
and the sun thereby blinds him,
so his soul leaves his body,
And he is free.
Another time he could have yelled “gracie mille” towards the mountains.
But this time he is just totally quiet.
Flow Ski Retreat: Everything formed a synthesis!